Papius and his friend Revocatus who is also supported by FoCT.
Papius comes from the extreme north west of Tanzania, in the part that borders both Uganda and Rwanda. Matthew worked in his home village in the aftermath of the Rwanda genocide, as tens of thousands of refugees spilled over into that part of Tanzania.
When Papius was 12 years old, his right leg was amputated from the knee downwards, after contracting gangrene from a small cut. He was fitted with a prosthetic limb and successfully adapted to life with a disability. After completing primary school, Papius went onto to secondary school, despite the economic strain this placed on his parents. Just as Papius was completing his first year at the school, he received news that his father had died suddenly, and that consequently he would he would have to withdraw from schooling, as his mother could not raise the fees.
FoCT has supported Papius through his secondary education. One of FoCT’s key partners has now indicated that once he completes his secondary education, they would like to recruit him in their community based disability programme as an outreach worker.