One of our main areas of focus is to support and expand educational opportunities for disabled children, including improvements to learning facilities. To this end, FoCT financed the construction of a recreation centre/school hall with computer laboratory, in a Primary School in NW Tanzania. Building began in June 2008, and was completed in early 2009. This directly benefits 120 disabled children as well as able bodied local children who attend the school.
Attaining skills in information technology can help severely physically disabled children to improve their sense of self-worth whilst helping equip them with a skill that enhances their post education employment prospects.
The total budget for this project was £20,000.
As a result of the building being constructed, the UN generously donated and built a water tank to catch and hold rainwater from the roof, a vital source of water for the whole school, and is used daily for drinking and washing. This goes to show that often when one agency starts something, it acts as a catalyst for other work as well.
In 2010 FoCT has raised the money to equip the computer room with 8 computers, and to pay the salaries of two IT teachers for a year to teach the children.
This project opens a world of future possibilities the physically disabled children.